Saturday 16 May 2015

pausing life to take a deep breath...


Life for the past month has been absolutely ridiculously crazy, meaning I have not been able to find a spare second to blog about the many things I've been up to. However, I have managed to note down a few ideas in the space of the time I've been gone which I will hopefully be able to blog about very soon!

I thought I could make a little catch up post, you know like when you haven't seen a friend in a while and you finally meet up for coffee and just drown each other with all of the little bits and pieces you've been up to in the time you've been gone? That's how I feel about this post - a nice little (it'll probably actually not be very little) catch up.

My time has been mainly spent doing little bits and pieces related to my AS levels, whether that be revising, completing art coursework (which seems to be never ending) or sitting my actual exams (eek). Despite taking some study leave of work for the past few weeks, my time still seems to be solely based around school, however, there has been a few exciting little things that have been happening which does make the struggle of A-Levels that little bit more bearable.

I must begin with revealing something very exciting which I hinted at in one of my last posts, which you can read about here. It was the birthday of two of my bestest friends on Wednesday, Lena and Zoe who are twins. As I've mentioned before, Zoe now lives in Holland, and she wont be receiving her presents for another couple of weeks, so I can't mention those, however, I did a big reveal for Lena's present as an extra little something on her birthday. Lena and I have been staying at Tanishia's for the past week whilst her parents were in Cyprus, so on the morning of Lena's birthday, we ran into her room, jumped on her and slapped her in the face with 6am. She wasn't too impressed until she received her presents and a cup of tea, courtesy of yours truly. I made Lena a video which was a montage of all of our memories together, and I'd love to share it but I fear that Lena might just boil me alive. It was filled with good times, bad times and damn right ugly times as well as a selection of video messages from some of her closest friends and family, which she really appreciated seeing as she lives away from a lot of her family. It then went on to reveal a very exciting present, which I have been lying to her about for weeks, and had to get various members of her family and friends to help me maintain the lie. I got Lena tickets to our favourite band, Imagine Dragons, and I think its safe to say she was quite pleased! We are both so excited to go in November, and its so nice to have yet another amazing experience to look forward to.

The last week has been spent learning various life skills, ready to take to uni with me in a years time. Before I stayed at Tanishia's, I was incapable of living independently. I could only cook one 'proper' meal (which I treated the girls to on one night over the week) and most of the things I made consisted of baked beans or chicken nuggets...and even those I managed to burn. However, with great thanks to Lena and Tanishia, you can now safely call me Nigella (kind of). We cooked so much lovely food together and I've learned a lot of skills which I'm sure will be very handy in the future, so thanks again girls!

When we weren't cooking, a few friends and I went out for dinner a couple of times in the last week (naughty). It seemed to be everyone's birthday, so there was a lot of celebration needed. We went to Ask for Lena's birthday where I had a very delicious pasta dish. I could literally live of pasta, it is so damn good. It was also lovely to catch up with Lena's family, and we had a great laugh before going home to spend the evening watching some good TV accompanied by some cocktails, thanks to Tanishia.

On Friday, we went to try a new local lounge bar for lunch to celebrate Janvi's birthday. I've been wanting to try it out for so long, so I was so excited! My expectations were exceeded, the food was great, the atmosphere was perfect and even the loo's were quite a treat! Each cubicle looked like a separate little house, and had its own numbered front door. It was very cute (wow, that's two words in one sentence I never thought I'd use together).

In relation to my recent post about the election, I was also very excited and honoured to have been able to participate in the election count on 7th May with some fab people from my school. It was very difficult having to go after a full day at school, sit and count votes from 9pm to 3am the next morning, and then go straight to school for another full day on an hour and a half's sleep but it was so worth it and very rewarding. I've always been intrigued to how the vote count is done, and I was fascinated by the organisation of it. It was like a huge assembly line to which everyone was assigned a special little job that made the whole thing run smoothly. I also got the pleasure of meeting some lovely ladies who accompanied me on my counting table, and they made the whole process a lot easier and managed to keep me awake with the various jokes and exciting stories they had to tell. When it came to placing each voting card into the designated party section, I was so stunned to see how quickly all of the representatives of each party came rushing over to watch. Imagine how people are when they are gambling on a horse race, and they know they're about to win and it all goes wild. That's how it was. If you ever get the chance to take part in something like this, I highly recommend doing it. Its so fascinating, and it does give you such a sense of achievement to know that you contributed to such a significant event.
This is what an election count looks like for those of you who are wondering. Cool right?
So that's some of my highlights from the past month or so! I am so disappointed that I've not managed to keep up with my blog as well as I had hoped to, but as of Wednesday next week, my exams are over and things should hopefully return back to normality!


Are you currently sitting any exams? If so, GOOD LUCK!
What exciting things have you been up to in the past month?

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