Sunday 12 April 2015

Sunday Smiles #2

So, it's that time of the week again! It's time to reflect on all the lovely moments that have made me smile over the past week. I don't feel like I've done much at all this week; honestly, revision is taking over my life, however, this is why I like doing these blog posts! It instantly turns a pessimistic view point into an optimistic one. Just by taking a few moments to yourself, you can reflect on what has gone right over the past week rather than what has gone wrong, and I can truly say that it will honestly make you feel so much better, and send you into the next week with a positive mindset (which will make this time next week run a lot smoother - bonus!).

To kick-start this post, I'd like to just take a moment to reflect on how awesome April is. We're only in the second week, but already it is proving to be a smasher of a month. The leaves are finally growing back on the trees, there are daffodils everywhere (they are my favourite flowers EVER), the blossom is sprouting, and here in the part of England where I live, we are experiencing some absolutely beautiful weather. It's still a little chilly, but the sun has been constantly shining, and its now warm enough to ditch the coats and scarves (yay, no more walking round like a sack). Also, Tony, the ice-cream man has made his début visit to my town, which is so exciting, because it FINALLY means that winter is over! And Tony is great, he is honestly the most down to earth guy I have ever met.

If this cutie doesn't make you smile, nothing will!
I have also really loved spending more time with my family this week, especially my baby brother Ronnie. During the school term, I barely have enough time to even keep up with my school work, let alone take time to socialize with my family. I realise that this is really bad, and I am working on improving this, but it is difficult holding down a job, an education, a social life and a little 'me-time'. However, as I am only out of the house twice a week this week when I go to work, I've had much more time to spend with my loved ones, and I have noticed a massive difference on the overall mood of the household as well as my own personal mood. Ronnie is now 6 months old, and as soon as I walk in the room and see him, my heart melts-I can no longer go near him without him bursting into hysterical laughter, and it really is the most uplifting experience. He's starting to learn to crawl now also (although its more like a slither - I refer to it as a 'Zombie Craw'), and it's so rewarding to watch such a tiny little person slowly develop into something incredible each day. I'm so thankful that I am beginning to cherish these valuable little moments.

I also went back to work this week after a two week holiday period, which at first, I wasn't too enthusiastic about's work. I do have my issues with my job (we'll save that for another time - this post is supposed to be positive), but it does have its moments in which it can really make me smile. I am lucky enough to be able to meet some really lovely people through my job, and although not everyone is always the most welcoming, the people who do take the time to show me a little respect and really enjoy my company can instantly uplift my mood. There really are some very sweet, and genuinely lovely people in the world.

In relation to work, it was FINALLY pay day on Friday *pops champagne*. Honestly, there was way too much month at the end of my money this month. Way, way too much. However, my troubles were finally put to rest, and as I have been working super hard lately, I took the time to treat myself to a few little goodies, and I also treated some of my loved ones (keep a look out for a post about this in the near future - it's exciting!) which always makes me feel better. I really enjoy doing things to make other people smile - there's something so satisfying about it.

Finally, I'm really excited about cracking on with my diet and fitness regime at last! I've been promising myself that I would start this since the start of the year, but I always found an excuse, however, after finally investing in some proper running gear, as I used to (attempt) to run in converse (bad choice, I don't recommend it) I finally feel motivated to get my ass in gear and finally work towards achieving that summer body. It's really helped going for little runs in the morning before I begin revision too, as it gets me some fresh air and puts me in the right mindset. My Dog is also loving the extra walkies, which is a bonus.

So there we have it...the things that have made me smile this week! I've learned alot of valuable lessons this week and come to some strong realizations, and I will continue to think of this as I progress through the year. I hope you have all had a lovely week, and I wish you all the best for the upcoming week, and I hope it is filled with lots of fun, laughter and smiles!

Check out this post which inspired the idea of looking at the positive aspects in your life rather than the negative aspects. This is a really great blog and super inspirational. It always lifts my mood when I'm feeling a little glum.

What things have made you smile this week?
What lessons have you learnt over the past week?

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