Tuesday 7 April 2015

Happy Birthday Daddy!

So today, my absolute hero celebrated his 43rd birthday - my Dad. I don't feel as though I express nearly enough just how much I love and appreciate my Dad, and so to mark the occasion, I thought what better way than to dedicate a post to him, and thank him for being one of the greatest people in my life.

My Dad is more like one of my best friends; we laugh and joke about everything, and every since I was little, I've always looked up to him and always loved spending time with him. He works so hard to provide me with everything I need and has always been the one to hold the family together when things get tough. As I've grown older, I've realised more just how much my Dad does for us as a family, and I'm so grateful to have him in my life.

I'm really looking forward to treating him to dinner over the weekend, and to show him how much I love and appreciate him. I honestly could not ask for a better Dad, and I couldn't be prouder to be his little girl. For 17 years, he has shown me nothing but love and support and I owe much of the person I am today to him.

Happy Birthday Daddy. I hope you have the most wonderful day.

1 comment:

  1. I have nominated you to do the Liebster Award tag because I think you have a great blog! For more information you can check my post here: http://paige-says.blogspot.co.uk/2015/04/liebster-award.html It's a great way to get blogs noticed! Once you've finished, let me know as I'd love to read your answers! x
