Sunday 29 March 2015

Get To Know Me | 100 Questions Tag!

1.      What’s your favourite season? Wow, that’s easy, SUMMER!
2.      Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 18, and find line 4. “...the authorities. It was a dark November afternoon when..." - Winston Churchill - My Early Life. (I wasn't lying when I said I was a History enthusiast).
3.      Who was the last person you texted? My good pal, Lena, and it said "Can we normal call? I look like a toe lol..." - that literally sums me up. 
4.      Before you started this survey, what were you doing? I was doing some History homework...this is beginning to get slightly awkward with the History thing...
5.      What is the last thing you watched on TV? Family Guy
6.      Without looking, guess what time it is. 20:53
7.      Now look at the clock. What is the actual time? 21:09
8.      With the exception of the computer, what can you hear? My Mum's TV next door. She's watching 'The Chase'.
9.      Do you tan or burn? I burn, but then after a few days, it will turn into a really nice brown tan.
10.   Do you like fish? I have a fish. Her name is Kim. I did also have Kanye, but he got pregnant and died. 
My beloved Kim and Kanye (RIP Kanye)
11.      Mac or PC? Although I have a PC, I would 100% have to say Mac. They're just so cool! 
12.      Do you remember your dreams? Sometimes, but only if I really think about it as soon as I wake up, and usually only if it's really strange. However, usually I'm just concerned about not falling immediately back to sleep and being late.
13.      When did you last laugh? About half an hour ago whilst on the phone to Lena.
14.      Do you remember why / at what? I would say why but 9/10 times, our conversations are much too inappropriate/weird to be repeated to anyone.
15.      Have you ever been to Canada? Nope, but I would love to go one day.
16.   Shoes, socks, or bare feet? When I sleep, it has to be bare feet, but otherwise, I love just wearing socks.
17.   Do you wear perfume? Yes. If I leave the house without perfume on, I feel as if I've left the house without my trousers on.
18.   What is the last film you saw? Bridesmaids for the 829th time.
19.   If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live? Somewhere hot and/or exciting. Australia or America sounds good.
20.   If you became a multi-millionaire overnight, what would you buy? EVERYTHING.
21.   Where would you go if you could go anywhere? I really want to go to the Marshall Islands. I'm not sure what is there, but I feel like it’s a must since my surname is Marshall.
The Marshall Islands don't look too shabby at all!

22.      What’s your favourite band? Imagine Dragons
23.      Have you ever had to have surgery? I had teeth removed after being put to sleep...does that count?
24.      Do you enjoy school? Yes! So much! I never used to, but as I've grown up, I've realised how lucky I am to be able to go to such an incredible school and be given the opportunities that I am given. It makes me so sad to think that I only have a year left before I head of to Uni.
25.      What do you think of these questions so far? It was going OK until I'm a little confused.
26.      Are you a righty or a lefty? Righty! 
27.   Who made the last incoming call on your phone? Lena...I'm starting to notice a slightly embarrassing pattern here.
28.   What is the last thing you downloaded onto your computer? A document for a group History project.
29.   Last time you swam in a pool?Sadly, last summer. I cannot contain my excitement for the pool to be open again!
30.   Type of music you dislike most? Garage and dub-step.
31.   Are you listening to music right now? I always listen to music whenever I'm on my computer; Now playing: Style by Taylor Swift.
32.   What’s your favourite colour? Yellow! It's so happy!
33. What quote inspires you? On a recent trip to Berlin, I saw a beautiful quote on the Berlin Wall which had a big impact on me. It said "many small people, in many small places, can do many small things that can alter the face of the world". It motivates me to try my hardest at everything, and eventually, I will reach my goals. Baby steps. 
At the Berlin Wall East Side Gallery recently with Lena and Tanishia.
34.   What’s your favourite zoo animal? Elephant or Koala (is a Koala even a zoo animal??)
35.   Do you have any pets? I have a Cocker Spaniel named Teri (we didn't name her), and a goldfish named Kim (after Kim and Kanye but as I mentioned before, things got complicated...).
My little Teri Bear

36.   What colour are your eyes? Green
37.   Do you wear any kind of jewellery 24/7? Yes - a ring that my mum brought me for my 15th birthday, a necklace that my Mum recently brought me that represents the love between a mother and daughter, and my Pandora bracelet, just as it represents many important life events and I'm scared that if I ever take it off, I will lose it.
38.   Do you turn the water off when you brush your teeth? No, and I know that that is so bad, but I feel disorientated if I do! I'm sorry!
39.   Do you know how to change your car’s oil? I've not even driven my car yet, so no.
40.   Do you have any phobias? I can't put my hands in things that I can't see the contents of e.g. the washing up bowl, the back pocket of a car seat etc. and I also can't touch or even talk about heels (feet not shoes) without squeaming. 
41.   What’s your lucky number? 7
42.   Have you ever eaten a crayon? Not that I can remember.
43.   Can you solve a Rubix cube? Nope, I don't have the patience.
44.   What are you listening to right now? Swifty has now finished, and I am now listening to No Angels - Bastille.
45.   Do you like Marmite? I've never tried it, but the smell has always been enough to put me off.
46.   Do you wear the hood on hoodies? If I'm cold or snuggling.
47.   Is the glass half empty or half full? I always try and think positive of every situation, so always half full.
48.   What’s the farthest-away place you've been? Berlin, Germany
49.   Do you untie your shoes before taking them off? Ain't nobody got time for dat.
50.   What’s your favourite radio station? Radio 1 - I like that they play a little bit of everything, and the presenters are great.
51.   Are you allergic to anything? Certain washing powders.
52.   Were you named after anyone? No, my mum had just always wanted a girl named Lauren, but my middle name (Jayne) is after my Dad's Granny Jeany.
53.   Do you wear glasses/contacts? I'm supposed to wear glasses for reading, watching TV, working on the computer etc. but I never do.
54.   Have you ever walked out of a movie theatre before the film was finished? No, I've always been lucky enough to enjoy every film I've watched.
55.   What’s your least favourite school subject? I enjoy everything I take currently, but at GCSE, it would have been German.
56.   Put your iTunes library on shuffle. What’s the first song that comes up? Arctic Monkeys - One For The Road.
57.   Do you wear jeans or sweatpants more? Jeans
58.   Have you ever stolen a road sign? I was once at a party, where the garden was swamped with road signs that a few of the lads had "borrowed". It was...interesting.
The classiest girls in England!
59.   Are you travelling anywhere soon? Lena, Tanishia and I are all going to Amsterdam in the Summer! I am so excited!
60.   Have you every built an igloo? I live in England, not Alaska.
61.   Best thing at Starbucks? I am addicted to Hazelnut Lattes.
62.   Do you like watching scary movies? Yes! I love the adrenaline rush!
63.   What’s the best thing about school? Everything.
64.   What were you doing at midnight last night? Watching Family Guy and repeatedly telling myself to go to sleep because I had to get up for work in the morning.
65.   What’s under your bed? My memory boxes.
66.   How do you really feel about what you are doing right now at this exact moment? I can’t believe this is taking me this long and I feel like i'm at a therapy session.
67.   Think fast, what do you like right now?My newly decorated bedroom!
68.   Are you sarcastic? Quite
69.   What time do you get up? 7am on school days, 9.30am on work days and whenever on days off.
70.   What was the name of your first pet? Sid, my first little doggy.
71.   What colour are your sheets? White with tiny little flowers on it.
72.   How are you feeling right now? Tired but I am amused at a current conversation with the Squad on our group chat.
73.   What was your favourite food when you were a child? Pasta - it still is now.
74.   How are you feeling right now? I think you suffer from serious short term memory loss.
75.   Can you whistle? Kinda…
76.   Do you drink soda? Used to...a lot, but not so much anymore. I don’t like the fizzy carbonated feeling, and I'm trying to be healthier this year.
77.   Have you read the Harry Potter series? No, but I really want to!
78.   Can you drive a stick shift? A what?
79.   What’s your favourite candle scent? I love the glade ones. My personal favourites are the colour changing vanilla one, and the cinnamon and spiced apple one because it smells like Christmas.
80.   Have your pants ever fallen down in public? Luckily, no...
81.   Do you sing in the shower? And I quote my home page 'about me' section, "professional shower singer".
82.   Can you speak another language? I got a C in German, and I can also speak a little French. Lena also taught me to say one very inappropriate phrase which will not be mentioned in Dutch.
83.   Can you close your eyes and raise your eyebrows? Why yes, yes I can.
84.   Dogs or cats? Dogs.
85.   Do you make wishes at 11:11? If I remember but I never know what to wish for when I'm put on the spot.
86.   What’s your favourite type of chap-stick? Good old classic Vaseline.
87.   Which came first the chicken or the egg? Ah, one of life’s most puzzling questions. The egg.
88.   What are you reading now? I'm reading a little variation; Safe Haven by Nicholas Sparks, My Early Life by Winston Churchill and Singled Out which is about Women during the War.
89.   Can you touch your nose with your tongue?  No, I sadly do not possess that spectacular talent.
91.   Can you walk in heels? Now that, I can do...just.
92.   How many rings before you answer the phone? However long it takes me to dig it out of my bag or to figure out where I last put it down.
93.   Any new and exciting things that you would like to share? This being my first post on this blog, I just want to share how excited I am about starting this whole thing, and say how many exciting ideas I have brewing ready to share! I really think that this whole blogging thing is going to be a lot of fun!
94.   What is most important in life? To be happy. Yeah, it’s so cheesy but it’s true.
95.  What inspires you? I love reading quotes about whatever I need to be inspired about e.g. success, happiness...
96. Do you have any siblings? Yes, I have 5 brothers; Reece who is 21, Charlie who is 13, Ronnie who is 5 months old, and Harry and Billy who sadly passed away in 2012.
Reece, Charlie, Mum, Ronnie, Me and Dad on Christmas Eve 2014
97. What subjects do you do take at school? I currently take Psychology, Fine Art, History and EPQ which is an essay, coursework based subject.

98. What is the greatest lesson you have ever learned in life? To not let peoples opinions stop me from doing anything I want to do and always strive for the best. I have spent much too many years wasting my opportunities because I cared too much about what people thought about me, and now that I have overcome that, I am enjoying life so much, and I love just taking part in anything and everything.
99. Who are your best friends? My bestest friends in the world are Tanishia and Lena. They are honestly the greatest, most supportive and lovely people I have ever met and they're truly more like sisters to me. I'm so glad that we became such good friends. #SassSquad4Ever
100. What are your plans for the future? So as much as I'd love to stay at school forever, I know that this is unfortunately not possible, however, I have come up with a sneaky little plan to work around this; when I leave sixth form next summer, I want to go to University to study History for 3 or 4 years depending on whether I choose to study abroad for a year or not. Then I'd like to take a gap year to gain some work experience by going to volunteer in a school in Tanzania for a few months. Then the plan is to go back to University for a year to get a PGCE and then if all goes to plan, I would like to get a job back at my current school to teach History, so it all works out as a lovely little circle! I understand I may sound like the weirdest person ever, but my school is honestly incredible, and I'd love to give back to it in some sort of way. 

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